Improv is everywhere. We can’t even begin to list the sites and companies that exist (and why would we? see this crazy dude’s site) As well, it’s hard to know who’s just great and who’s just okay and who’s just hoping to score a forever life partner … So here’s our incredibly short list of resources in the Greater Toronto area. Groups we have worked with, admire or might want to refer you to because you can bike there:

Bad Dog Theatre (seriously – the best big sister an improv company ever had)

Black Swan (Ralph MacLeod is the dad we never had)

Second City (Did you think we wouldn’t mention them?)

Impatient Theatre Company (Total Freaks for Long-form)

TheatreSports (Keith Johnstone’s work informs most of what we do)

Canadian Improv Games (a national high school competition you should get involved in)

Improv News (and so much more)

 Dan Goldstein: How to be a Better Improviser (some interesting ideas for you to chew on)