Welcome to Oakville Improv Theatre Company. Just click to see upcoming events, online shows, or to enroll in our classes. See you soon!
Recent Online Shows
LIVE! and Unmuted (7 June 2022)
A jam on zoom with our Oakville Improvisers
Maestro (2 November 2021)
A jam on zoom with our Oakville Improvisers
Say Yule Be Mine (14 December 2021)
An improvised romantic comedy for the holidays
Mine, Mine, All Mine (28 September 2021)
The Klondike in 1897 – it’s improv comedy gold.
LIVE! And Unmuted (21 September 2021)
Zoom improv based on audience suggestions.
Electric Improv (17 September 2021)
Improv comedy from our Teen Company.
Maestro #65 (16 September 2021)
Our improvisers compete against performers around the world
Mission: Mars (6 July 2021)
We send up SF Horror on Zoom. “In space, no one can hear you when you’re muted”
Maestro #64 (19 August 2021)
Which of these nine performers will be Maestro? There can be only one.
Improv Classes
Oakville Improv would like to thank the Town of
Oakville, through the Oakville Arts Council
for their generous and continued operational and
creative support. We couldn’t do it without you.

Oakville Improv works with ArtHouse delivering top quality improv classes to students with barriers to access.

Maestro is performed with express permission of the International Theatresports Institute.