Monday January 27th Our “in person” workshops is on at QEPCCC. 7pm-8pm One hour of fun and exploration of the theatrical form of improvisation. No experience necessary. Everyone welcome. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Suggested Donation of $5 (to help with room rental) but no worries if you can’t – it’s on us. Nobody will ask you for money.
At 8:15pm

Theatresports In House Competition.
Host: Matt Hall
First Match:
Villainous Popsicles (Nicolas Bedard, Bryce Williams and Dax Reid)
Accordion Sharks (Rob Williams, Daniella Quattro and Trish Livingston)
Second Match:
But, And (Champs, Jeremy, Pippa and Nicola Butler)
No Strong Feelings (George Nissan, James Kerr, Lindsay Reynolds)
2302 Bridge Road, Oakville. Or … the Yolanda St. parking lot for anyone with mobility challenges.
Oakville Improv is supported by the Town of Oakville through the Oakville Arts Council cultural grants program, and we are grateful.
Theatresports™ is created (©) by Keith Johnstone and is a trademark of International Theatresports™ Institute, registered in the U.S.A., Canada and other countries.
All Rights Reserved
Production rights are exclusively managed by International Theatresports™ Institute