HOLEY MOLEY – Guess who’s coming to Oakville: Rob Norman, Carmine Lucarelli and Jan Caruana. As a TEAM. Better get to Theatresports this time because that stage will be smokin’.
You can’t get a better line up of improvisers in the GTA.
In the first set: the reigning Flying Spaghetti Brothers (FSB) VS Georgetown Little Improv Club (GLIC). Rumours are still circulating over the shock departure of FSB team member Robin Sadavoy, in the midst of the team’s winning streak. Team members Kevin Tinsley and Mary Anne Farah refused to comment on the reasons for the split, but unnamed sources suggested Sadavoy is looking for free agent status, parlaying her team’s recent wins into a personal power play. Sadavoy will be replaced by FSB pinch-hitter Ruth Smith. Word is, that a strong performance by Smith could lead to a regular spot on the team.
Georgetown hopes to regain their footing after their humiliating defeat last year against the Oakville All-stars. Says team captain, Sam Hancock “We’re coming in with a team that’s polished, professional and ready to give a 110 percent. If Oakville thinks they’ll beat the Georgetown machine this time, they’re in for a rude awaking”
All this happens at Central Baptist Church auditorium, 340 Rebecca Street, Oakville (REAR DOORS, CASH ONLY, 8PM)
*Created by Keith Johstone, TM & Copyright 1970-2012
All Rights Reserved, Exclusively licensed by International Theatresports Intitute
Central Baptist Church Auditorium, 340 Rebecca Street. Rear doors.