This Thursday night, we’re doing our 40th Maestro during lockdown. Through the pandemic we’ve sought special guests, corralled our best, encouraged our newbies and roped in some ringers. We have a wonderful parade of special friends improvise in this crazy random “survivor” of improv. The audience gets to vote on scenes and over time, elimination rounds mean there is only ONE who can be Maestro. Join us. Ask for the link this week and we’ll send you one JUST FOR YOU! Free. Feel free to donate on our page, but no pressure. This is an exceptional time we want everyone to feel stress-free and chilled out. 8pm EST January 21, 2021. On Zoom. For link contact:
Starring: Ashley Armstrong, Bradley Ellis, Dave Ellis, Brianne Gwartz, Catherine Henry, Natalie Hoban, Jane Luk, Karim Mosna, Christine Pillman and Rob Williams. Bob Kapur as SCORE! and Amy McKenzie as your host.