Our 30th night of Maestros … since lockdown. Online but on point. Let’s celebrate. We’re tired but we’re not giving up. We hope you aren’t either. We’ll get through this pandemic together if we take care of each other. So we’re offering these shows for free so we can laugh a little … together. You matter to us. You do. If you’re not zoomed out, email us for the special link for the show tonight.
STARRING: Jeremy Butler, Bob Kapur, Christine Pillman, David Raitt, Lisa Gachet, Lynnae Dudley, Rob Williams, Sue Illes and Taelum Vergara.
ALSO: If you can’t come tonight, and you’re still financial viable, and you’d still like to help out and keep us going (nobody is getting paid but we still have some hard costs to pay …) then please donate, even a little, so we can offer our free Monday night drop ins and free shows to our faithful kid and adult audiences. Donate!