Improv shows may be shuttered but spontaneity yet lives. Exercise your wit, humour, or just your sneering sarcasm by participating in “For Your Next Challenge.”
…are simple. We post some challenges. You post a response to one or all of them. Everyone votes on what response they liked best. We tally the results and someone wins.
Anyone can enter – you don’t have to be an Oakville Improv member to join our throng (although you must register on the website to be able to comment). You can enter more than one answer to a challenge.
Use the comments below the challenge to provide an answer for each challenge. The most popular answer (as judged by The People of The World) wins.
Each challenge has a deadline for submissions and a later deadline for people to keep voting. Then the scores are counted and winners will be announced.
Each comment should be an answer to the Challenge. So, avoid comments like, “These are great!”, “These are terrible!”, “Please marry me!” Such comments will be mercilessly EXPUNGED!
All entries will be visible to the public. Yes, those guys. We may post compiled results on other Oakville Improv pages or print (with full credit, of course).
If you don’t want to play you can still vote. We need your harsh judgement. Voting is open to anyone (although you must register on the website to vote). To vote, use the + button on any comment you like. We count POSITIVE votes only. Negatives will not be tallied.
You can vote while the contest is open or for a day or so after it has closed.
Vote wisely and carefully. This is heady responsibility. You can assign as many positive votes as you like, but if you give them to everyone, you might as well not bother. That’s just wishy-washy.
Unfortunately, the comment system doesn’t let you vote for yourself. Try crossing your fingers if you feel it helps. Be comforted that you don’t have to vote for anyone else either.
Don’t come to my house to give me your vote in person. Social distancing, people.
We offer no prizes, except perhaps the most wonderful prize of all – worldwide fame and the grateful adulation of the people.