Hey Improv fans and those of you who are taking a RISK for the FIRST TIME!

We’ve got exciting new classes starting in September and October for beginners and for seasoned improvisers needing a refresher:

September start:
ADULTS (Advanced)
: David Raitt: Creating Worlds (permission of Workshop Director) September 11th-November 6th 1-3:30pm $245.
Youth (11-13yrs Beginner-Intermediate): September 26th 4-6pm (10 sessions) $245. Through Oakville Improv

October 1st: Culture Days FREE class QEP 10am-12pm (JOIN THE FUN – dive into other artistic practices the whole day long)

October start:
ADULTS: Beginner October 13th through the Town of Oakville 
ADULTS: Intermediate October 13th through Oakville Improv
TEENS Beginner/Intermediate October 5th to December 7th through the Town of Oakville
KIDS: (8-10yrs) 10-12pm October 15th (ten sessions). Through Oakville Improv