August 27th is our first night back at The Moonshine. And it’s SOLD OUT. I’m sorry to say, if you were looking here for info, that’s the info. Because of John. And we didn’t promote much because we knew people would want to be there and we didn’t want to disappoint. Please know that we would love to get you in but we can’t. Capacity has been achieved and for safety we cannot go over that. MANY THANK FOR YOUR CONTINUED INTEREST IN OUR COMPANY and your support. See you next month on September 17th (yes, it’s changing for one month).
Here’s who you’re missing (but we want to celebrate): Gonzalo Vasquez, Matt Hall, Ari Shapero, Ellie Lummis, Bradley Ellis, Robin Sadavoy, Terri Skov, Ashley Armstrong, Pam Cooper, Catherine Henry, Christine Pillman, David Raitt, Rob Williams on the keys, James Jeffers, Amanda Massey, Trish Livingston, George Nissan, Paul Alexander and Gary Pearson!