In a show that sparked a bitter rivalry between newcomers Everett Cowling’s Marketing and Spa and long time champs Lost Boyz, the Boyz wrestled out another win. Using a Psychic guessing game vs Spa’s tried and true “Excuses” scene, the Boyz wowed the audience with a new game in their roster. Spa fought back with a Typewriter scene, but fumbled the narrative and was tagged out by the Hell Judge and dragged of f the stage. The Hell Judge also questioned the Questions Only scene and gave props to Boyz’ Eulogy game. The win pits Boyz against old rivals, Zero Dark Qwerty in the July 14th match, next month. ZDQ says they’re putting in 150 percent into their training sessions, proving only that they are more artsy than math-oriented. The show was topped by an all-star veterans round featuring Lick, Liquor, Liquer: Rob Norman (ManTown and RN & Cawls), Kevin Frank (Second City EdCO), Julie Dumais (Artistic Director, Bad Dog) vs our own Gary Pearson, the incomporable Lisa Merchant and AJ Vaage (That’s So Weird) – who put in an amazing homage to Tennessee Williams. NEXT MATCH: July 12th at QE Park’s Black Box Theatre.