Oakville Improv presents versions of the famous Victorian era Christmas tale by Charles Dickens, but this time through Jacob Marley’s eyes (albeit dead ones). Audience suggestions will be encouraged. This is a comedy*. Rated “G” for “GHOSTS!”

*Some “scary” bits included.

Starring James Jeffers as Scrooge and David Raitt as Jacob Marley. Also starring Natasha Bromfield, Christine Pillman, Mathew Hamilton, Monica Dunne, Taelum Vergara, Marina McKenzie, Catherine Henry, Lynnae Dudley, Amy McKenzie, Sofia and Patrick Muhleisen, Audrey Lambert, Liam Walsh, Emilee LeClerq, Edlyn Ross, Carter Whatley and Carolyn Endacott.
Joel Woods as Musical Improviser. Brianne Gwartz, Stage Manager. Directed by Duncan McKenzie. Assistant Director: Robin Sadavoy.

December 14th and 15th 8pm and 15th and 16th at 2pm. At The Black Box Theatre, QEPCCC 2302 Bridge Road, Oakville. Tickets $12 online and $15 at the door.

Tickets HERE!