Join us for the kick off night (Game 1 and 2) for our tenth anniversary. 8pm at QEPCCC’s Music Room #1. Teams like Ass.Hats (Association of Hats) with Mathew Hamilton, Corey Best and Peter Cianfarani vs Dodgeball Rejects  with Lisa Van Meeteren, Nash Stamenkovic and Jennifer Filipowicz and then Wake Me Up when it’s Over with Bradley Ellis, Ashley Armstrong and Diana Barbosa vs GLIC (Georgetown Little Improv Club) with Sam Hancock, Pam Cooper, Rob Pearce and Kajer Boadway. Judges: Terri Skov, Lynnae Dudley and Shann McGrail. Hosted by Amy McKenzie. $5 or free with entry to our drop in workshop at 7pm. Rated G for Geverybody!